
Issue 10 / Spring 2019

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $10.00.

Edited by Sarah Jane Barnett
Published August 2019
ISSN 2253-4873

Featuring: essa may ranapiri, Elizabeth Welsh, Erik Kennedy, Aimee-Jane Anderson-O’Connor, Louise Wallace, Joan Fleming, Travis Tate, Jackson Nieuwland, Eliana Gray, Rachel O’Neill.

Art by Toyah Webb.

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Editor’s note

When Chris asked me to guest edit Minarets my first thought was that I was not “cool” enough to edit a journal which I’ve always seen as a place for young and experimental poets. Would I be contemporary enough to be a good editor? The fact that I’m using the word “cool” without irony signals that I’m a child of the 80s—but even I know that being “cool” isn’t cool anymore. Because to be “cool” when I grew up was to wear a particular designer or listen to a particular type of pop. The “coolest” kids conformed with more commitment than anyone else.

We had around one hundred submissions for this issue, and so many of these poems deserved to be published. But one of the gifts of Minarets is that it’s short. It invites you to spend time with a handful of poets—to repeatedly sink into their words, to bring them into your body and let them change you.

In the end I had nothing to worry about. The poems I’ve selected are beautiful, painful, challenging, thought-provoking, heartbreaking and funny. They reminded me that good poems shine no matter their genre or when they were written. They make life feel intense and bright. While this issue includes mid-career poets, there’s definitely a new generation stepping forward, and I have admiration for their commitment to craft, and to sharing an authentic experience—to not conforming. That’s cool.

Sarah Jane Barnett
August 2019

Read Minarets 10 in full