A sequence of poems by Iain Britton
it’s about mixed messages & an argument
is swallowed the biggest
hamburger in town
stolen from an over-active wish
is swallowed too the man
who woke up the family mirror
walks into the sea
& the girl goes with him
they walk into the sea
& a large bulbous balloon
all fired up hoists its passengers
through flashes of sunlight
where Icarus hopefuls
transfigured old prophets
are part of the same digital ghost
the man who woke up the mirror
can’t explain it
he can’t explain his love for the sea
the wedding of the month
is off again on again
he argues with the girl
until his book of bones is put to bed
sunken outcrops of reefs
rip at sea-light a black
feeds on life forms
on single-celled suns
which shine on girls
swimming in a world
of crabs & starfish
the café shrugs off a shadow
the sea being the sea
laps at it laps it up
you talk of the benefits
of things organic things edible
hacked from bushes waves
break on daydreams
on early solitudes words
stretch & split in the heat
our table
is a clutter of voices
in us small
whisper of collusions
which don’t really matter
created on the 7th day
he didn’t rest didn’t know
he had to
this stuff
of dreamers flourishes
at the park history wets
its lips it smells of a woman
in summer
showing her new credentials of the love
of her life
brown-faced & wholly immersed
waves swoop in sluicing out
the apertures of a tidal hangover
it’s hard to believe he existed for her
ever walked these gardens
dreams like his
should be chunked
into small inflatable parcels
& shoved into the cosmic pool
without loss of intention
she presses against him
more intimately
for now this journey of theirs sleeps
as if holding its breath underwater
i draw a diagram
of kinship
i draw you forever lodged in my flesh
you who have forgotten to shed
old anathemas old desiccated flakes
you deceive yourself
deceive me you rarely
come out to play i draw
you into a diagram
of someone sharing the daylight
of looking at the crags & caves
of the bay of seeing people who live
buried deep others who emerge
every day
wearing different clothes
who want to reshape
the horizon the steep cliffs
who live in houses which slide
now & then into the sea
i draw you forever lodged
in my flesh
& sometimes awake at night
you feed me
one candle flame at a time
amongst scorched vistas the sea
shimmers the beach burns
sunbathers arrive already burnt
a woman goes to the water’s edge
the sea is loud incantatory resonant
& the woman from the art shop pauses
she paints the sea with her eyes
a pale Godiva stripped
of pretensions of self-love she muses on
islands summit upheavals swimmers
frolicking she sees
fires in the windows of the city
houses hammered into rock-hard ledges
she contemplates the sand hills
the reefs
the weathering gullies
then covers herself in marram grass
& lupin & lives in a sand castle
to avoid the harsh autumn smoke
at the water’s edge
she pulls on a child’s mask
at the water’s edge she can’t go on
she goes on
to turn again to the sea the silver rainbow
the red scoria to turn again to people
collecting lenses full of birds & fish
of landscapes unfolding to confess once more
this woman confronts the figure of a man
who delves amongst the creases
of long purple clouds who practises his lingo
his sharing of Homeric connections
i see her clearly straddling a rock on the beach
straddling very still on her rock saying nothing
the curious arrive to watch her riding nowhere very still
on the beach the man takes photos of her
as if she belongs everywhere a mother dependent on
drinking sweet madonnas
perforating this woman’s daylight i see her clearly
i delve into the purple cloth of morning signifying
where she & the man are going how she & he
hesitate at the railway station the bus terminal
where power lines loop into the last houses the sea
washes the sand the rocks this woman
morphing from shades of green into a dark blue haze
the sea washes her skin her hair her limbs
he tastes the salt on her eyelids the water
trickling off her shoulders the miracle of her
as she is she holds onto his soft celestial kiss
this moment has to do with them only
& this diminishing phenomenon of living off
scraps of pure stillness pure breath & nothing else
Iain Britton is the author of five collections of poetry. Recent poems have been published or are forthcoming in Landfall, Brief, New Zealand Review of Books, Cordite, Southerly, Harvard Review, POETRY, JACKET2, The New York Times, New Humanist, Stand, Agenda, Poetry Wales, Long Poem Magazine and The Fortnightly Review. THE INTAGLIO POEMS was published by Hesterglock Press (2017).